Sterling Silver Bracelet With Safety Clasp And Chain 2¼”
Sterling Silver Bracelet With Safety Clasp And Chain 2¼” from an estate, in “as found” condition. We have not cleaned or polished this item. The bracelet is marked 925.
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} // Add Homepage URL to $purge_urls for bot crawl. array_push( $purge_urls, get_rocket_i18n_home_url( $lang ) ); // Add default WordPress feeds (posts & comments). array_push( $purge_urls, get_feed_link() ); array_push( $purge_urls, get_feed_link( 'comments_' ) ); // Get the author page. $purge_author = array( get_author_posts_url( $post->post_author ) ); // Get all dates archive page. $purge_dates = get_rocket_post_dates_urls( $post->ID ); // Remove dates archives page and author page to preload cache. $purge_urls = array_diff( $purge_urls, $purge_dates, $purge_author ); // Create json file and run WP Rocket Bot. $json_encode_urls = '["' . implode( '","', array_filter( $purge_urls ) ) . '"]'; if ( rocket_put_content( WP_ROCKET_PATH . 'cache.json', $json_encode_urls ) ) { global $do_rocket_bot_cache_json; $do_rocket_bot_cache_json = true; } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'run_rocket_bot_after_clean_term' ) ) { /** * Actions to be done after the purge cache files of a term * By Default, this hook call the WP Rocket Bot (cache json) * * @deprecated 3.2 * @since 2.6.8 * * @param object $post The post object. * @param array $purge_urls An array of URLs to clean. * @param string $lang The language to clean. */ function run_rocket_bot_after_clean_term( $post, $purge_urls, $lang ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.2' ); // Add Homepage URL to $purge_urls for bot crawl. array_push( $purge_urls, get_rocket_i18n_home_url( $lang ) ); // Create json file and run WP Rocket Bot. $json_encode_urls = '["' . implode( '","', array_filter( $purge_urls ) ) . '"]'; if ( rocket_put_content( WP_ROCKET_PATH . 'cache.json', $json_encode_urls ) ) { global $do_rocket_bot_cache_json; $do_rocket_bot_cache_json = true; } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'rocket_clean_directory_for_default_language_on_wpml' ) ) { /** * Conflict with WPML: Clear the homepage when the "Use directory for default language" option is activated. * * @since 2.6.8 * @deprecated 3.2.4 */ function rocket_clean_directory_for_default_language_on_wpml() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.2.4' ); $option = get_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings' ); if ( 1 === $option['language_negotiation_type'] && $option['urls']['directory_for_default_language'] ) { rocket_clean_files( home_url() ); } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'rocket_fetch_and_cache_busting' ) ) { /** * Fetch and save the cache busting file content * * @since 2.10 * @deprecated 3.2.5 * @author Remy Perona * * @param string $src Original URL of the asset. * @param array $cache_busting_paths Paths used to generated the cache busting file. * @param string $abspath_src Absolute path to the asset. * @param string $current_filter Current filter value. * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise */ function rocket_fetch_and_cache_busting( $src, $cache_busting_paths, $abspath_src, $current_filter ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.2.5' ); if ( wp_is_stream( $src ) ) { $response = wp_remote_get( $src ); $content = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); } else { $content = rocket_direct_filesystem()->get_contents( $src ); } if ( ! $content ) { return false; } if ( 'style_loader_src' === $current_filter ) { /** * Filters the Document Root path to use during CSS minification to rewrite paths * * @since 2.7 * * @param string The Document Root path. */ $document_root = apply_filters( 'rocket_min_documentRoot', wp_normalize_path( dirname( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) ) ); // Rewrite import/url in CSS content to add the absolute path to the file. $content = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite( $content, dirname( $abspath_src ), $document_root ); } if ( ! rocket_direct_filesystem()->is_dir( $cache_busting_paths['bustingpath'] ) ) { rocket_mkdir_p( $cache_busting_paths['bustingpath'] ); } rocket_mkdir_p( dirname( $cache_busting_paths['filepath'] ) ); return rocket_put_content( $cache_busting_paths['filepath'], $content ); } }
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